Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Courtney Love Insinuates Herself Into Owen Wilson Story

Courtney Love has managed to work the Owen Wilson unpleasantness in a positive, publicity-grabbing way for herself. The rocker, who in recent years has become a poster child for bad plastic surgery, says that her former boyfriend, Brit actor Steve Coogan, was to blame for Owen's downward spiral into drug addiction and attempted suicide, and that she herself attempted to warn Owen to stay away from the man. Very noble of you Courtney. And how predictable of you to toot your own horn about it, now that Owen is in detox.

Here's what Courtney had to say:

I went through it with Steve. ... I was just out of rehab, and he was right there with the drugs. ... I tried to warn Owen. I tried to warn his friends ... I hope from the bottom of my heart that Owen stays the hell away from that guy.

Not a ringing endorsement of Mr. Coogan. And apparently Courtney wasn't the only one with negative feelings about the actor. Owen's ex-girlfriend Kate Hudson also disliked him, and forbade him to enter their home. Damn - this Coogan sounds like the Grim Reaper himself. Of course he's now defending himself against Love's allegations. Said Coogan's rep:

These accusations are unfounded, unhelpful and hurtful to all concerned. ... We are taking legal advice.

And well you should, Steve Coogan's rep. Because Courtney is obviously just bitter that she no longer has access to Steve and his drugs, and is using all this as an occasion to get revenge on him by defaming his character. Besides, the whole thing is silly on the face of it. Is Owen Wilson not a grown man? Can he not make up his mind for himself whom he hangs around with? Love makes Wilson sound like a poor, impressionable high school kid who's fallen in with a bad crowd and needs to be rescued. Give us a break Courtney. Coogan may be an asshole, but Wilson is responsible for his own life. If he can't hold it together, that's on him. Besides, I'm sure Owen doesn't want you helping him. We know how things ended up when you tried helping that other lost soul Kurt Cobain. Owen may be depressed, but I'm certain he has no desire to end up having his head blown off.
