Runaway loon Britney Spears may have designs on settling down in London, reports the Daily Mail. A friend snitches:
She thinks her only hope is to move to London for a fresh start. ... She is so scared about losing her boys that her mind is racing trying to think of how to keep them. ... Britney thinks she can arrive in London and blend in with the locals. But she doesn't have a clue how to write a cheque.
Only in Britney's mind would it make sense to flee a custody battle by packing the kids up and running off to a foreign country to hide. Yes, maybe if you were some anonymous schmo this might have a chance of working - but when almost everyone on earth knows you by sight, I don't know, I think there's a good chance your cover's going to get blown. By the way, Britney's alleged plan to "blend in with the locals" in London includes cultivating a British accent. Maybe she can move in with Madonna over there - the two of them can have inane conversations about Kabbalah in their fake British accents while sipping tea and eating buttered scones. As we all know, pretending to be British automatically makes you more intelligent and cultured - just ask Gwyneth Paltrow.
Update: Perez reports that Britney is already back in America. Or maybe she never left. Who the hell knows.
New Britney Music Update: Perez has also, exclusively, obtained a copy of Britney's new song, which apparently doesn't have a title yet. Go here to hear it. Warning: Extreme suckage.