Someone needs to tell Kate Hudson and Dax Shepard that the produce section of their local supermarket is not the appropriate place to start groping each other. People are in there shopping for cantaloupes and red peppers, and they've got to look up and see these two animals.

Here they are in the canned foods, at it again. What, they decided to christen every god damn aisle? I'd pay a thousand dollars to see that Starbucks cup burst open and scalding-hot hazelnut coffee splash all over these two idiots.

"I really dig you Dax. You're a really cool guy. You're fucking around on me aren't you? That's okay, I expect it. You're a man. By the way, I'm fucking around on you too. You know that guy who was just putting out the Spaghetti-Os? Yeah, in the back room about three days ago. His cock is way bigger than yours. But you make me laugh. No, when you tell jokes. What did you think I meant, honeykins?"