Entourage star and noted ladykiller Jeremy Piven shocked and disturbed fellow diners at Nobu Malibu the other evening by getting into a very public shouting match with his mother. Said a witness:
It was so venomous, the entire restaurant could hear them. I don't know what they were arguing about, but it was loud.
Jeremy - we all have issues with our mothers. Trust me, you don't even want to know some of the things the Crabster said to his before that chain-smoking hag finally did us all the favor of dropping dead. But one thing you never want to do is have those arguments in public, especially not in front of other famous people (like Rob Reiner, who was reportedly there at Nobu). It just doesn't look good. For one thing, you've got this reputation as a playah going for you - but that's not going to last long if people get this image of you as some pitiful soul who's still hopelessly tied to his mother. Chicks can smell that kind of thing on you Pivs. Their radar goes off, telling them, "Look out for this guy. He's got mommy issues." Sure, that may not matter as long as you're only trying to bang random hos, but one day you might want to settle down with one of these babes, and the one vibe you definitely don't want to give off when you do finally identify that one special someone is "pathetic momma's boy on the look-out for someone to coddle him and wash his jammies and tuck him in at night." Women flee from that, unless they themselves are pathetic and needy and actually want a man like that. And we know a happenin' dude like you doesn't want to get stuck with some crazy broad, who wants to cast you in the role of the child she herself can't have after the botched abortion. Do I have a slightly over-active imagination?