Monday, August 20, 2007
Brandon And Jason Davis Are Poor
Oil heirs Jason and Brandon Davis have reportedly both been cut off without a cent by their family, and have been seen in L.A. recently attempting to cash checks written for "small amounts" by various people. Also, it's been suggested by Page 6 that the shiner and bloody eye Brandon has been sporting lately were given to him by his own father during a fight. Oh, if only daddy-Davis had smacked Brandon around when he was young and it still could've done some good. Now it's too late for his bitch-ass, and for Jason's big fat gay bitch-ass. And yet society is still forced to endure these useless fuckwads. How is that fair, I ask you?
Personally, I can't wait for the first picture of these losers begging on the street. I can just see Brandon now, standing next to the freeway with a big sign that says "Will lay around doing nothing for pot." And Jason lying on top of a refrigerator box with this thumb in his mouth, dreaming of rainbow lollipops and Perez's dick.
Brandon Davis,
Jason Davis