No, Justin Timberlake has not been playing house with Lindsay Lohan and Vanessa Minnillo - this is a pic from his movie Southland Tales, where he plays a character named Private Pilot Abilene. The movie is apparently some kind of wacky satire about Los Angeles on the eve of the Apocalypse - it played at Cannes in 2006 and has been sitting around waiting for someone to bother releasing it ever since. It's finally going to be put out, in one dingy theater someplace, on Nov. 9.
Southland Tales was directed by the same guy who made Donnie Darko, which is one of those movies your dorky friend is always telling you is so awesome, and then you see it and it's the most pretentious, incomprehensible piece of shit you ever saw. This new thing thing looks like more garbage - but at least it has that hot piece of man The Rock in it. And it has Mandy Moore in it too - oh yeah, she'll spice it up.

Oh Mandy - you're so hard-core.