Legendary stump-fan Paul McCartney was seen engaged in an intimate chat with mush-faced actress Renee Zellweger at a Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers show in The Hamptons over the weekend. Said a source:
Renée smiled and laughed and hung on McCartney's very word. She has a history of dating musicians and he's a legend, and single. He is also known to have a thing for younger women - and blondes.
Paul is also known to enjoy chicks whose limb-count doesn't reach the standard four. But those days are past him apparently - lately he's been seen going around with Christie Brinkley, and now the stuff with Renee. Both two-leggers. Although, in Renee's case, it's hard to tell if those are her real legs or bendy sticks. Bitch is getting skinny.
Friends of McCartney, by the way, insist his talk with Renee at the concert was innocent and friendly. Christie Brinkley, who was also at the event, did not see it that way however - she was reportedly "seething" at how much attention Paul was lavishing on Zellweger. Oh Paul, to be your age and still have the young babes fighting over you. Must be a boost to the ego. Although, for you, the most important thing is to just know you still have any kind of feeling at all down there. Yup, still works. Jolly good. Cuppa tea. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.