Friday, March 14, 2008
John Graziano's Family Tells Hogans to Beat it
Nick Hogan and the rest of his evil family are no longer welcome at the bedside of John Graziano, the man Nick nearly killed in a car wreck last year.
The Grazianos' decision stemmed directly from the Valentine's Day incident, shown in the photograph above, which saw Nick Hogan and his vile mother and sister bringing gifts to the vegetative John. The photos ran all over the Web, and convinced the Grazianos that the Hogans were only using these visits to John to make themselves look more sympathetic.
"We believe that it was a total (public relations) stunt," the Grazianos' attorney Kimberley Kohn said of the Valentine's Day visit.
A lawyer for the Hogans struck back, saying, "The Bollea family has been visiting John for the last seven or eight months, and there's been no PR about it whatsoever. It's a bunch of nonsense to suggest their visits to John are a PR stunt. That's crazy."
Oh please...of course the visits were PR stunts. Why else would they walk right out in the open with their big, obvious gifts? "Hey, look at us, we're bringing cheap shit to the guy one of us nearly killed. This should make him feel lots better, even though he's almost brain dead and will spend the rest of his life not being able to speak or think or even shit right."
The Hogans make me sicker than almost anyone else on earth. They are rank. Hulk Hogan should never have been allowed to spread his steroid-damaged seed. Now we've got Brooke and Nick, the extra-chromosome twins, running around like they're the shit. Well you're not the are just plain shit.