Meanwhile, a video has begun circulating that shows Anna Nicole being worked on by EMTs as she was wheeled from the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.
And the controversies swirling around Anna Nicole before her death have not gone away either. Not only will Anna Nicole be autopsied today, but blood is likely to be taken from her, for use in DNA tests to help determine the paternity of her daughter, Dannielynn, who is currently in the Bahamas. The fact of this on-going paternity squabble has led some to speculate that Anna Nicole commited suicide, fearful of something that would be revealed by the DNA tests. The wildest assertion comes to us courtesy of Janet Charlton, whose source conjectured that Dannielyn's father might have been neither Howard K. Stern nor Larry Birkhead, the two men both seeking to establish paternity, but Anna Nicole's own son Daniel, who died of a drug overdose in the Bahamas on September 10 of last year. And also on the Daniel Smith death front, Anna Nicole's partner and attorney Howard K. Stern has been forced to respond publicly to tabloid reports that he flushed drugs he found in the dead Daniel's pocket down a toilet.
More to come...