I can't get enough of Peaches Geldof. This chick totally rocks. Every time she opens her mouth, something incredibly brilliant comes out of it. She is truly a leading light of her generation - especially when she's trashing people of previous generations, who, just because they've become old, are no longer relevant. Like Madonna, whom Peaches went off on after the aged star was named Style Icon (some kind of lifetime achievement deal) at yesterday's Elle Style Awards (an honor Madonna was not present to accept, by the way). Quoth Peaches:
In the Eighties Madonna was a style icon but now she's rehashing everything that's been done already. ... I am definitely not a fan - she looks like mutton dressed as lamb. She is just not relevant now. She's up there on a pedestal and that's why people are honouring her, but it's not right.
I couldn't agree with Peaches more. Madonna is definitely over. And it's about time someone had the nerve to come out and say it. I mean, how long are we going to have to go on kowtowing to the wrinkled hag? At some point, we have to pass the torch to the new generation, and put the has-beens out to pasture where they belong. According to Peaches, there are plenty of young style mavens capable of taking up Madonna's mantle. Mischa Barton and Chloe Sevigny, for instance. Says Peaches of them:
They're the real people we should be celebrating tonight. They are the people that young girls look at today and they really influence us - not like Madonna. Elle Style need to step it up and choose someone more relevant next year.
Again, Peaches is right on the money. I mean, just look at the amazing contributions Mischa and Chloe have already made: