Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Britney Thinks She's Madonna - And The Year Is 1988
Britney Spears is trying to whip up trouble by putting out these pictures of herself posing provocatively with a dude dressed up like a Catholic priest. Yup, that's how desperate Britney and her people have become - they're attempting to channel Madonna circa 1988.
Unfortunately, there will probably be at least a small controversy over these rather tame pictures. I'm certain the Vatican itself will have nothing to say about them - they've got their hands full trying to cover their own pedo asses - but you know some dopey moralist group or an idiot TV host like Bill O'Reilly or that vile puke Glenn Beck will seize on the thing as an opportunity to trumpet their belief that society is going down the drain and it's all the fault of harlots like Britney who should be burned at the stake (when we know the real culprits are the moralizing hypocrites like O'Reilly and Beck who spew their intolerance and hatred over the airwaves thereby contributing to the degradation of the American soul in a way far more profound than Britney's silly attempts at naughtiness could ever hope to do).
The really sad thing is that you know Britney thinks she's being all daring and subversive - just like she thinks her sarcasm makes her above everyone. But these are all just signs of an insecure, pitiful little person who's so out-of-touch with reality she even makes Michael Jackson look sane.
Britney Spears