Thursday, October 18, 2007

World's Most Boring Couple Officially No Longer A Couple

Ryan Gosling has officially confirmed what we all already knew - Rachel McAdams is the most boring bitch on the face of the earth.

No, I'm kidding. He didn't really say that. What he actually confirmed was that he and Rachel are no longer seeing each other. That's a biggie, huh? I know you were just on the edges of your seats waiting to see what would happen with those two. Hold on a second while I put my jaw back in joint after that colossal yawn.

There. Better.

Getting back to Ryan. Seems certain delusional nut-jobs are actually upset with him over his inability to marry Rachel or otherwise hold onto her. Ryan told GQ:

Women are mad at me. A girl came up to me on the street and she almost smacked me. Like, "How could you? How could you let a girl like that go?"

And of course Ryan immediately took that girl to a bar, got her liquored up, banged her and fled. No I'm kidding again. He didn't bother taking her to a bar - he just hit her over the head with a brick and had his way with her right there in the street. Oh my God, he did not! Ryan Gosling is a great guy and it's so sad he and Rachel couldn't work it out cause they were such a cute couple and he's so hot and she seems really nice and I think I would totally be friends with her and we could like go shopping and Ryan could come too and he'd be all trailing behind us with that hang-dog thing guys get when they have to go shopping and we'd be giggling at him and then we'd have lunch at the food court oh my God I just love Taco Bell chalupas...
