Foxy Brown is having herself a high old time in Riker's Island where she's currently being incarcerated for a probation violation. The New York Post reports that Foxy, whose real name is Inga Marchand, got into a fight with another inmate while they were on their way to lunch - then, the very next day, was "verbally abusive" toward some of the guards, and refused to take a drug test. As a consequence, Foxy has been thrown in solitary for 76 days.
That may not be the end of Foxy's troubles, however. It's being reported that Foxy could face more discipline stemming from an incident earlier this month where she twice refused to board a bus that was to take her to a court appearance - refused because her hair and make-up were not ready.
Let's face it - Foxy Brown is never getting out of jail. Cause some other shit is going to happen - like her stabbing someone or clawing someone's eyes out - and she's going to get more time. And then there will be something else, and something else, and eventually she'll just get put away forever. Which, I have to say, would probably be good for society. Hair-dressers, at least, would be relieved to no longer have to face that crazy bitch.