Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Off-Her-Rocker Mills Wants Reese To Play Her In Movie

I have no idea what Heather Mills has been drinking - I just know I want some.

Seriously - where does this bitch get the crazy from? Is it genetic? Did she suffer some kind of brain-damage at some point? Where, in God's name, does she get ideas like her latest one - that someone should make a movie of her horrific, lying, gold-digging life, starring Reese Freaking Witherspoon?

And what kind of movie would this be anyway, this prospective Heather Mills biopic? Here's what Heather envisions (per a source):

Heather sees this film as the tragic and empowering story of her life. A young model who gets run over and loses her leg and marries her prince. But the most interesting part of the tale will be the dark goings on behind closed doors.

Oh, I see - so Heather would be the heroic survivor-type who finds true love with her "prince" Paul McCartney, but there are all sorts of dark goings-on like McCartney kicking her and stabbing her and making her crawl across the floor to get her bedpan. And Reese Witherspoon would be playing Heather. Cause Reese is good at playing tough, plucky, long-suffering people - like in Walk the Line where she took all that shit from Joaquin Phoenix.

I definitely think this movie should be made - I love fantasies for one thing, especially insane ones, and I also think this would be a great chance for Reese to win lots more awards. In fact, I think Reese needs to go all the way with this one...and have the leg wacked off. Sure, I know - they could just do it with CGI. But what the hell would that prove? Anybody can affect a limp - Reese needs to go that extra mile, like De Niro when he gained all that weight for Raging Bull. She needs to get in touch with some quack Mexican doctor who'd be willing to saw that sucker off. I can just hear her at the Golden Globes now: "I want to thank my good friend Pedro. I'm glad the downers worked on your shakes Pedro, and no, the infection didn't spread." That's dedication.
