Sunday, October 28, 2007

Paris's Rwanda Trip Cancelled Over TV Plans

Paris Hilton was supposed to travel to Rwanda on some kind of humanitarian mission - then the organizers of said trip, a charity called the Playing for Good Foundation, abruptly bailed out, saying:

Due to restructuring...the philanthropic trip to Rwanda that we had previously planned with Paris Hilton has been postponed.

Sounds like a lame-o "we don't wanna talk about it" excuse to me. Clearly, something happened to change the charity's mind about collaborating with Hilton. Maybe they simply came to their senses and realized Hilton was only trying to use them, and the starving Africans she was planning to fake-cry over, as a means of helping her image after the whole jail thing.

Now it comes out that Paris was planning to have herself filmed in Rwanda as part of a new reality show called, I'm not shitting you, "The Philanthropist." The Playing for Good people were asked about this, and denied their plans ever included filming for a reality show. But I call bullshit on that. I think Playing for Good initially signed-off on the idea, thinking their association with Hilton would make for good publicity, then someone clued them in on how revolting it would look for them to participate in Hilton's disgustingly exploitative bit of image rehab and they bailed.

Anyone who may have had a shred of regard left for Paris Hilton as a human being - how does it make you feel to know that Paris was prepared to fly to Africa, to the middle of a country where people are starving and suffering and dying for real, and film herself acting like she cared about them? This was not an Angelina Jolie situation where self-serving motives co-exist alongside genuinely philanthropic ones - this was a situation where the only motive was a self-serving one.

Paris is trying to make people think positively about her. So some publicist whipped up the idea of having her go to a country full of misery and suffering because then people would know she cared. And Paris thought this was a good idea. And her celebrity made her attractive to a charity trying to gain attention for itself. And the charity denies it was ever about making a TV show? What would've been the point, from Paris's point-of-view, of doing it without cameras present? It doesn't benefit her at all if people don't see it. So the charity thought Paris just really, really wanted to help starving Africans?

Is it humanly possible to have your head that far up your own butt without suffocating?

People just need to stop giving Hilton the time of day. She is evil, pure-and-simple. And being associated with her can only damage your own reputation. There is nothing good to be gained by collaborating with her, having your picture taken with her, being in the same room with her, thinking about her...she is a negative force on this earth who only leaves a trail of destruction behind her. Someone should really just drive a stake through her heart...or we could all just ignore her, which amounts to the same thing.
