There's another rumor circulating that Angelina Jolie is knocked-up. This one got started after Angie cancelled a planned lecture in Italy and it was reported in local papers that pregnancy was the cause. Then there was this statement from a spokesperson for the Pio Manzu Centre, the place that was hosting the cancelled lecture:
Angelina cancelled last week. Due to her privacy I can't confirm her pregnancy, but I can say that the Italian newspapers are correct in their reports.
They're correct in their reports? Which reports? The ones saying she cancelled the trip or the ones saying she did it cause she's preggers?
I would tend to believe that Angie is indeed pregnant. Cause it would take something that significant to force this self-important bitch into giving up the chance to stand in front of a bunch of adoring people and pontificate. Cause you know that's what she lives for - not helping the downtrodden but talking about how much she loves helping the downtrodden. She doesn't do drugs anymore, so being better than everyone else is her drug.
And now she's knocked-up again. How horrible for her, being infested with yet another blob that will just come out all privileged and unworthy. What she should really do is drop the new baby out in the woods someplace and make it find its own way home. You know, teach it what hardship is about. Then she won't have to be so ashamed of it.