Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dina Lohan To Film Reality Show (God Help Us)

E!, the network responsible for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, is set to lower the bar even further by giving a reality show to the vilest of all celebrity moms - Dina Lohan.

The show, which is as-yet untitled, will follow Dina as she manages the career of her younger, fuglier daughter Ali, as well as other "artists" she has signed to management contracts. Dina herself describes the show this way:

It’s about empowering women to be successful single mothers. About being in the limelight without compromising motherhood. It’s about what I do, how you can be successful, and be a single mom and fulfilling your kids’ dreams. Working is my sole source of income.

Which part of that statement should I laugh at first? The part where she talks about being in the limelight without compromising motherhood, or the part where she claims working is her sole source of income? Well, I suppose she's telling the truth about the second part - if one considers leeching off one's sex-crazed, cokehead actress daughter a job. On the first part, however, it's hard to defend her. All she's ever done, from what I can see, is compromise motherhood in the name of getting rich. No one who took motherhood seriously would have stood by the way she did and watch her own spawn get sucked into such a destructive lifestyle, then pawn the whole thing off on the very same media and Hollywood establishment she willingly and self-servingly exposed the girl to in the first place. Shame on the sickening bitch.

And shame on E! for continuing to validate these revolting creatures. Kim Kardashian and her disgusting ass weren't bad enough - now they have to prop up this festering sore Dina. Why not just give O.J. a reality show while you're at it, E!? Or go around looking for some serial killers to film as they stalk train station bathrooms in search of teenage runaways to murder and gut and consume in bizarre ritualistic fashion?

Why is it that the worst elements of society - the shamelessly narcissistic and crass and useless - are the only ones who get on reality shows? Has there ever been a decent human being on one of these things? They're nothing but showcases for asshats. But, this is probably appropriate, given that VH1 and E! and the other networks that produce this shit are all run by asshats.
