Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Heather Mills - Dog Murderer

Alleged animal lover Heather Mills is being accused of killing a neighbor's dog with fireworks.

Now we have an image in our heads of Heather going around ramming big-ass firecrackers up dogs' buttholes and giggling as their asses explode - but that's not exactly how this went down. According to Heather's East Sussex neighbor Sandra Rowbury, what happened was that Heather had a fireworks display at her mansion, which drove Sandra's Weimaraner bitch Glow so crazy with fear that her gut bloated and she died. The display is also said to have terrified Rowbury's 15 horses.

Said Glow's grieving mistress:

As far as I'm concerned she has hurt my animals. I am distraught Glow died.

It was a huge display - the size of a town's celebrations. Everyone else lets people know if they are planning fireworks, so they can move their animals or give them sedatives.

She calls herself an animal lover, but she showed no respect for the animals around here.

A friend of Heather's has rushed to her defense however, saying:

Heather and her sister Fiona both had their dogs at the display and neither was affected.

If this dog has died, Heather will be absolutely devastated. She is a great animal lover. She'd want to apologise to this lady if the fireworks caused her animals any distress.

Distress? The poor thing's gut blew up like Gummi Bear at a buffet and it died - I'd say that was more than just "distress."

See, here's the thing about Heather Mills - the bitch is just evil. It doesn't even matter if she intends doing harm, her actions just naturally wind up causing harm. I'm certain that, when Heather finds out a dog died because of her thoughtlessness, some little part of her withered-up heart will feel a slight pang of sorrow at it - and then her natural instincts for denying any and all responsibility for her actions will kick in and she'll insist it couldn't have been her fault. By the time Heather's done, she'll have convinced herself that the dog's owner was actually responsible for killing her, and was only using the fireworks display story as a cover for her sick, Vick-like actions.

The sad thing in all this is that the fireworks were actually part of Heather's daughter Beatrice's birthday party. I hope to heck no one ever tells Beatrice about the dead dog or else she'll be wracked with guilt. Then again, being the child of Heather Mills, Beatrice may in fact be incapable of experiencing actual guilt. She may in fact be a budding little evil monster like her fiendish peg-legged demon of a mother.

(Yes, that's the real Glow in the picture.)
