Cokehead Kate Moss has told her scruffy buddy Rhys Ifans to beware of having his heart broken by girlfriend Sienna Miller, who Kate seems to think is some kind of heartless man-eating skank. A friend of Sienna's told a British tab:
Kate isn't happy. Rhys was her main male friend in her close-knit group. She isn't keen on Sienna. There is definite tension between them.
Sienna was fuming after Kate gave Rhys a talking to when she heard the relationship was getting serious. Kate doesn't think it will last and doesn't want Rhys getting hurt.
Not hard to figure out what's going on here. Sienna's the new It-girl, the one everyone talks about, and Kate is jealous because that used to be her before years of living with Pete Doherty left her a total rodent-faced wreck. Kate must just gnash her teeth at the thought of how much attention Sienna gets. And Sienna plucking Rhys from Kate's little circle was the icing on the big green rancid cake of jealousy.
If I were Sienna, I'd be careful of Kate. I don't think that chick has even the first shred of a moral lurking anywhere in her disgusting anorexic body. If she's pushed far enough, I could easily see her killing Sienna. Or, I could possibly see Pete Doherty killing Sienna as a means of winning back Kate's heart. Either way, Sienna's probably going to end up dead. And Rhys Ifans is going to have to find a new couch to crash on.