Friday, October 19, 2007

Keira To Front Sienna's Fashion Line?

Sienna Miller has launched a new fashion line called Twenty8Twelve - and she wants her pal Keira Knightley to become the face of it. Said Sienna:

Oh god Keira - I would love it. She's the face of Chanel so she's not likely to come and do my line. But she's my mate so hopefully I'd get mates rates. I would definitely love Keira to do it. I love her face.

Oh don't worry Sienna - Keira will do it. You won't even have to pay her - just tell her someone wants to take a picture of her and she'll be there all hippity-hopping like a little merry bunny. Keira loves having her picture taken. She loves posing and pouting and sticking those mosquito-bite boobs of hers out there, then having people tell her how gorgeous she is. Vain little bitch eats that shit up. Of course she has a complex about all that, which is why she's constantly reminding everyone how self-conscious she is. "Oh I like having my picture taken but I really don't have much self-esteem blah blah blah." Christ is there a more tedious bitch on earth?
