Monday, October 12, 2009

Another Mad Men Whacking

Mad Men creator Matt Weiner wrote for The Sopranos, so he knows all about whacking key characters. And that's basically what he's been doing all season - killing off our favorite Sterling-Cooper employees with reckless abandon.

First Joan quit her job because that loser doctor she married was going to get a residency. But the residency never materialized and Joan had to go back to work as a sad clothing store clerk. Whacked.

Now, Sal was fired because he fended off the gay advances of one of those douchebag Lucky Strike guys, and the guy got pissed and face needed to be saved. I mean, yeah, I get the need to turn over the cast a little bit, but damn, did Don have to be so creepy-cold about it?

"You people?" What the fuck did that mean you womanizing creep?

Okay, I'm beginning to take this too seriously. I need to go outside more and meet some real living people.

Oh, by the way, spoiler alert.