Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mulligan, Beautiful, Fantastic

Carey Mulligan is sure to get an Oscar nomination for her performance in An Education. She has all the old horndog movie critics drooling over her combination of talent and pixie sex appeal. She is fucking Shia LaBoof. She is just about the hottest thing right now in the world of movies you have to wait to see on DVD because the local Multiplex needs those screens for extra showings of whatever loud piece of shit Michael Bay has out.

And now she has landed a role in The Beautiful Fantastic alongside Tom Wilkinson. describes The Beautiful Fantastic as a modern fairy tale in the vein of Amelie. Since I hated Amelie with a passion that cannot be described with mere words, I think I will be skipping this.

Unless, when I finally see An Education, I become as entranced by Ms. Mulligan as everyone else.