Monday, October 5, 2009

Playin' Hardball

Kate Gosselin is playing the victim card after estranged husband Jon withdrew most of the $230,000+ in their shared bank account, leaving Kate, in her own words, "unable to pay for the roof" over her and their 8 kids' heads.

"I can't sleep at night. I can't pay my bills," Kate whined, adding, "I think he's receiving bad counsel. He's always been one to listen to the one next to him."

Unfortunately for Kate, she is no longer the one next to him. And this is all her fault. If she had only let him have his college whores and his pot and his wild trips to Vegas, everything would be fine.

But no, she had to play little miss morality. She had to get upset with his philandering and drugging. And what did that get you Kate? A one-way ticket to Brokeandsleepingaloneville.

That's a town without pity.