Sunday, October 25, 2009

Danny Craig Spills The Beans

Daniel Craig was walking out of the theater after a performance of a A Steady Rain, his current Broadway play co-starring Huge Jackoff, when a fan asked him when the new James Bond movie was set to begin.

Craig, rather than blow off the peasant as most stars would do, actually answered the query. Bond 23, the actor revealed, will start shooting next year.

The fan immediately got on the internet to repeat Craig's revelation. The story wended its way around the web, as these things will, before finally landing on the screen of someone at MGM.

At which point MGM realized it needed to make a comment about Craig's comment. And their comment was, "No comment."

Which doesn't matter, because Danny Craig is James Bond. And if James Bond says that James Bond 23 will begin shooting in 2010, then James Bond 23 will begin shooting in 2010.

Unless MGM wants to replace Danny Craig with someone else. Someone younger? Someone a little more Ed Weswicky?

Come on. You know you want it. Gay James Bond. Hot sex with Q. Pink Aston-Martin that shoots crepe streamers instead of bullets.

Even more cock torture.