Mad Men star and pro-shark activist January Jones has joined the cast of the Nicolas Cage thriller The Hungry Rabbit Jumps. The story, according to The Hollywood Reporter, concerns a man who hires a vigilante group to avenge the terrible crime committed against his wife. Naturally, the man lives to regret hiring the vigilante group.
Like I always say, if you've got a terrible crime committed against your wife to avenge, do it yourself, or pay a down-and-out relative to do it. Vigilante groups are nothing but trouble.
January, as you may already have guessed, will be playing the wife against whom the terrible crime is committed. Sadly, the movie is not set in the '60s, so January won't get to wear any of those awesome Betty Draper clothes.
I love January on Mad Men and I'm glad to see her getting juicy Hollywood parts, but I'm not sure hitching your wagon to Nic Cage's star is the best move right about now. The term "death spiral" comes to mind when pondering his recent career.