Avril Lavigne has taken her act to China. The Chinese are trying to kill us with lead-tainted baby bibs and rat poison-laden dog food, but of course they love Avril because she's Canadian. Or maybe they're just all so repressed there that even this scraggly piece of tail makes them horny as fuck. I wonder if China has their own version of Perez Hilton. Some ching-chongy bastard who draws shit on pictures, and talks sub-literate crap about people thinking it's hysterical. Avril's probably over there right now begging the chink Perez to be nice to her. I hope slanty-Perez bitch-slaps her, then calls the secret police to haul her scrawny butt away to some chain-gang or whatever the hell they have over there. China and Avril deserve each other, if you ask me.