Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Britney's Kids Are Doomed

The old Britney Spears is a bad mom thing has probably been beaten into the ground - but that's not going to stop us from continuing to report every juicy detail of Britney's nightmare parenting approach. The latest comes to us via US Weekly, whose pro-Britney tone we used to mock, but who have now jumped on the Britney is insane and must be stopped bandwagon (welcome aboard). The rag says that Britney's friends have become genuinely concerned about the way she's taking care of Sean Preston and Jayden James. Sources claim that Sean Preston's teeth are rotting out of his mouth, because every time he cries, Britney shoves a bottle of sugary juice in there, plus his diet mainly consists of Doritos. SP's dental issues have become noticeable enough that, allegedly, Britney inquired in April about having the boy's teeth whitened - but thankfully the dentist refused. Additionally, it is claimed that Britney has developed a novel approach to getting the kids to go to bed at night - giving them ice cream. Britney, it is said, tells the boys that the cold makes them sleepy.

Then there's this - a new picture which clearly shows Britney in her convertible Mini Cooper driving down the middle of a two-way street with Sean Preston in the backseat:

"Wee, mommy's trying to kill us! It's a game!"

Ruin your own life if you want to Brit, but spare the kiddies, okay?
