Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Loyal Or Stupid?

Page 6 has a story this morning in which it is claimed that Lindsay Lohan's bodyguard Jazman "Jaz" Bennett has been offered up to $500,000 by various tabloids to sell Lindsay out, but has thus far turned down every opportunity to flip on his employer. It guess it's nice to know there's one loyal person left in the world, but honestly - 500 hundred grand? If it were me I'd just take the money. Yes, I know, Jaz is a better person than I am - or maybe he's just incredibly stupid?

Here's the thing - what do you think would happen if the shoe were on the other foot? Let's say Jaz had some dark secret, and somebody offered Lindsay money to cough up what she knew about it. How long do you think it would be before Lindsay had cashed the check and spent the dough? And how much do you think it would really take to pry the information loose from Lindsay? It might not even take money - just buy her a drink, or tell her she had on nice shoes...either of those would probably do it. Yes, loyalty like Jaz's is lovely, but you have to consider the person you're showing this loyalty to. Lindsay, let's face it, is a reptile. She has no morals whatsoever. It means nothing to her that Jaz has been a better friend than probably any she's ever had. She'd sell him out for a breath mint. But there's old dopey Jaz telling the tabloids to keep their 500 thou, thanks very much. Sorry to say it Jaz, but you should take the money and mosey.
