Wednesday, August 1, 2007
The Wrath Of Britney
The photographer allegedly assaulted by Britney Spears's bodyguard in Las Vegas last Thursday is telling his side of the story - and it's not pretty for Britney. Andrew Deetz, the photographer, says he and his partner Kyle Henderson were taking pictures of Britney and her two children as they exited the spa in the Wynn Las Vegas hotel when for some reason all hell broke loose. Britney shouted, "I am going to kill you. I am going to fucking kill you." Then Britney's bodyguard Julio Camera shoved Henderson up against a wall and held him. Hotel security finally intervened, and told the photogs to leave. Deetz alleges that he and Henderson complied with security, and were actually 30 paces away from Britney and Camera when the bodyguard ran at Deetz, who had his back turned, threw him to the ground and started kicking him. Security were finally able to pry Camera off of Deetz. Then an enraged Britney reportedly ran at Henderson and hurled a baby bottle at him. Deetz claims that Britney then threatened his life again in front of witnesses, telling him he should seek a restraining order against her because she was going to kill him herself or hire someone to do it. Apparently, this was not the first experience Deetz had with Spears or Camera - there was reportedly some kind of incident outside the Lisa Kline boutique in Beverly Hills on July 23, after which Camera growled at Deetz, "I have unfinished business with you."
A few observations. One, this Camera person obviously has it out for Deetz, and decided on Thursday that this was his chance to settle their "unfinished business." Britney's reaction to Deetz would seem to suggest that she knew who he was too and also has negative feelings toward him. Two, this account of the incident would seem to shoot yet more holes in Britney's assertion that Sean Preston became injured at some point in the fracas. Sean Preston was in fact examined upon Britney filing a report saying either Henderson or Deetz had hit him, and no sign of physical injury could be detected. Another version of the story has already suggested that Camera himself was the one responsible for Sean Preston being shoved in a way that was not serious enough for the child to be hurt. Third, it's pretty apparent that, whatever happened in Las Vegas Thursday, Britney has some serious anger issues. This is of course not the first time in recent memory that Britney has tangled with photogs - we all recall the umbrella incident. Obviously, being hounded by photographers all your life is liable to engender some bad feelings about them - but it's hard to generate any sympathy for Britney when we know for certain she often calls to tell photo agencies where she's going to be, so they can then send people to take her picture. Britney, at this point, has no career except as an object of morbid fascination - she doesn't sing anymore, or dance, or act in movies; she shows up places, and people pay her. Without the photographers she has no income. However, at some point, if Britney has even an ounce of functioning brain matter left, she's going to have to realize that this deal she's struck isn't worth whatever she's getting out of it financially. The emotional toll of being constantly scrutinized is clearly too much for her - and on Thursday, her kids got caught in the middle of it. Sean Preston and Jayden James were not physically hurt, but they did, apparently, witness their mother completely lose it, and threaten a man's life. That can't be a good thing for their future emotional development. Certainly, Kevin Federline - who plans on seeking full custody of the kids - has lawyers taking note of all this stuff. At some point, Britney's insanity is going to come back to bite her. Unfortunately, acting insane in front of cameras is the only thing Britney has going for her right now. I believe that's what they call a quandary, y'all.
Britney Spears