Something bad happened to Britney Spears today. This is testified to by the above picture, which was taken as she came out from seeing her lawyer. A witness said, "She parked her car, and then suddenly tears started streaming down her face." What could it have been? Did Britney, as some have speculated, fail her first court-ordered drug-test, putting her half-custody of the kids in jeopardy? Possibly. However, since these pictures broke, it's come out that Britney has other legal issues, stemming from an early-August hit-and-run incident. Charges were officially filed over that little dust-up today, including one count of hit and run causing property damage and one count of driving without a valid license. Yup - add Britney to the ever-growing list of dumb-ass celebs who've been nailed for driving without a license. Shit man - just get a fricking license, and if you don't have one, get a fricking driver. What the hell does it take for you bimbos to understand that?
Sorry, got a little carried away there. Returning to a more sober consideration of Britney's plight...
Stupid fucking bitch! What part of "You can't drive without a license" don't you understand? Are those big words? Jesus, would someone please just slap some sense into this dumb cow?
Again, I apologize...
Fucking hell Spears! Are you the dumbest fucking bitch on the face of the earth?! I can't take it anymore! My head is going to explode! How can anyone be that dumb?!
I need to lie down.
(Thanks to Crabbiefan MaggieC for the tip.)