I guess it shouldn't surprise us that there are nitwits out there in the world who are willing to stick up for Britney Spears. If people can be crazy enough to pierce their cocks, become pen-pals with serial killers or support the Republican party, then they can be crazy enough to think Britney isn't a complete wash-out.
The king of crazy is obviously this Chris Crocker individual. If you haven't seen Mr. Crocker's performance, well, you haven't lived (full disclosure - I only got through the first ten seconds before I had to shut it off).
I really don't know what to say, other than I hope that person gets serious psychiatric help, and soon. And that they are unable to procreate.
Almost equally crazy is the individual who whipped up this video, an attempt to demonstrate that Britney's staggering, uncertain "dancing" was actually the result of a damaged heel:
The Britney VMA footage has become the new Zapruder film. If you look really close, you can see the outline of a guy with a peashooter, who was shooting peas at Britney and distracting her. Also, I think she may have impaled that poor dancer when she stepped on his back. Bad enough having some chick in stilettos use you as a stair - when she's carrying as much weight as Britney, that's a recipe for a kidney kabob.
(Thanks to Crabbiefan Adele for the tip.)