Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Jake Gyllenhaal Is Not Gay So Stop Saying He Is
Jake Gyllenhaal took his girlfriend Reese Witherspoon to see a Judy Garland tribute at the Hollywood Bowl - so according to everyone that proves Jake's gay. Cause only gay people like Judy Garland. Well I think the whole thing is just silly - first of all, the gay guys like Judy Garland thing is a total cliche. Wanna know one gay guy who doesn't like Judy Garland? Me. That's right, I can't stand the bitch, or her stupid daughter Liza Minnelli. So, if a gay guy can hate Judy Garland, then why can't a straight guy like her? Exactly - he can. So, you can shove your whole Jake Gyllenhaal is gay thing right up your pooper because it's a load. Jake is as straight as they come. All that stuff in Brokeback was just great acting. And Reese Witherspoon really is Jake's girlfriend and not a beard. Why in Christ would a woman like Witherspoon beard for anyone? Only desperate people like Jessica Simpson beard. Witherspoon is not desperate - surly and unlikable yes, but not desperate.