Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Keira Knightley Must Stop Embarrassing Herself

One day I may grow weary of reporting on every bit of infantile blather that comes out of Keira Knightley's mouth - but that day has not yet come.

Yes, Keira is flapping her yap again - and it's all the usual stuff about how rotten her life is and how she's sick of people talking shit about her. Said Keira to Allure magazine of her hatred of the red-carpet experience:

All these people were coming up to my face and screaming, 'SEVEN OUT OF TEN!' – referring to the way I look! And you think, You rude fuck.

Seven out of ten? You must have caught them on a good day Keira - cause most of the time I'd say you're more of a five out of ten. And in the brains department something closer to three out of ten. Also, why not try saying "You rude fuck" instead of just thinking it? Then we might respect you a little bit - you know, if you stopped only bitching about stuff in interviews and actually demonstrated that spunk during the events you say you despise, instead of going through the motions like a typical movie-star drone. Sorry Keira - but until you translate your bullshit into action, and just stop showing up or otherwise rebel against the things you pretend not to like, we will continue perceiving you as nothing but a spoiled whining little hypocrite.

Keira wasn't done with that red-carpet remark of course. She also had this to say about her body-image:

I'm not Wonder Woman. I have self-esteem problems. Everybody does. You know, skinny people are allowed to feel shit about themselves.

And what our criticism of Keira really says about us:

I have noticed it creates an anger in people who are not skinny. People like to blame their insecurities on other people.

Actually Keira, it's not your being skinny that bothers me - it's your being a complete insufferable, self-absorbed twit. But, okay, if you want to make things simple and have it all be about your looks, and the fact that we're not beautiful like you and vent our insecurities by making fun of you and the other famous, gorgeous people we wish we could be like...so be it.
