George Clooney's sense of humor was apparently not damaged when he and stripper girlfriend Sarah Larson clipped a car with their motorcycle and ate pavement. The actor showed up at the premiere of his new movie Michael Clayton with bandages on his wounds and a couple of quips up his sleeve. Said George:
I'm a little dinged up - lots of Neosporin ointment. I'm definitely not jogging or doing jumping jacks.
We are just resting for now. You don't really want to rub or massage parts that are broken or anything!
We are hiding Sarah's black eye with make-up. It looks like I socked her a couple of times.
Funny-man Clooney could still face legal trouble over the incident. Police are investigating whether he struck the car, a Mazda owned by one Albert Sciancalepore, while attempting to pass on the right - a no-no in New Jersey. I'm guessing George won't be laughing if he gets charged with reckless driving. Meanwhile, his girlfriend seems to be enjoying the attention she's getting from hopping around on her crutches with her broken toe. Savor it while it lasts Sarah - I'm guessing you've got about a month left to bask in George's reflected glow before he dumps you and moves on to a new stripper.