Courtney Love and Pete Doherty may be romantically involved. It's been reported that the two rocking junkies at the very least shared a kiss when Courtney went over to lend Pete moral support as he struggles through rehab. Said a source:
Pete respects Courtney for the struggle she's faced, one that, like his, seemed insurmountable. ... He's turning a corner now. And having support from one of rock's greatest survivors is a great help and inspiration for him. They had a brilliant talk. ... It was touching to see them share a tender kiss after the visit. They share a common bond as both are musicians with a self-destructive streak.
A "self-destructive streak?" That's putting it mildly I'd say. I mean, have you looked at Courtney's face lately? That shit's destroyed, along with everything else on her. And Pete - well, there isn't much left for Pete, is there? The best we can hope is that the bastard abstains from adopting anymore pets that he then turns into little crackheads so he can laugh at them as they stumble around and try to fly. Yeah, these two would be perfect for each other - Courtney the husband-killer and Pete the cat-junkifier. God, I'm just sitting here picturing that kiss. That disgusting sore-ridden mouth of Courtney's pressing against Pete's cracked and swollen lips. Courtney's fingers lovingly, knowingly caressing Pete's needle-marked arm. Well, look at the bright side - maybe they'll kill each other.