Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have enrolled their adopted son Maddox in the prestigious Lycee Francais de New York, a hoity-toity school where everyone sits around listening to Thelonious Monk, smoking Gauloises and discussing nihilism. All fine and good for Brad, Angie and the probably already insufferably snotty and anti-American Maddox - not so great for the parents of the other spoiled little future socialist dickheads, who have to put up with all the paparazzi fuss not to mention the idiot fans. To head off any furor, the head of la Lycee, Dan Cooke, has sent out a letter to parents spelling out how the situation will be dealt with. The letter reads in part:
I’m sure you are aware the school has received much media attention recently during the arrival and dismissal times because of the presence of celebrities Ms. Angelina Jolie and/or Mr. Brad Pitt. I want to make you aware that before the first day of school I met with their security team to discuss the best manner in which for them to drop off and pick up their son. Our foremost goal was to cause the least amount of disruption to the school and to ensure the security of all of our students and families.
The letter then explains how Angie and Brad have worked out a schedule of "staggered" pick-up times, hoping this will minimize the disruption. Cooke then addresses the matter of overzealous Brad and Angie fans - some of whom have kids enrolled at the school themselves:
Regretfully, I have seen some parents taking pictures, asking for autographs, talking to the media and even shouting at Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt for recognition. Therefore, in the best interests of the school and safety of your child(ren) I must ask for everyone to please respect the family’s privacy and discontinue these practices.
My question is, why couldn't Brad and Angie just hire tutors for Maddox and teach him at home? It all seems kind of silly to me - especially considering how short a period they all tend to stay in one place to begin with. What good does it do enrolling a kid in school if you're constantly going to be yanking him out to jet off to New Orleans and L.A. and God knows where else? It seems Brad and Angie just like the idea of having a kid in this high-falutin school. It's a status thing. It doesn't matter to them that their very presence is making life difficult for everyone else.
The other issue at hand is poor little Maddox, who is beginning to show the effects of the crazy lifestyle his mommy and daddy are forcing him to live. A source says that, recently, the kids at the Lycee were asked to bring in a picture of themselves - which caused Maddox to basically flip out:
He was terrified. He refused. He started crying. Obviously the poor kid has grown up in fear of having his picture taken.
Okay, that's a little sad. But he'll just have to buck up and learn to live with it won't he? As long as Angie thinks there's positive publicity to wring out of him and the other kiddies, she's going to keep dragging them out everywhere.