This one-eyed dude at Vegas Confidential is reporting that, among the annoyances plaguing Britney Spears at the VMA's, was the fact that she was forced to wear Jessica Simpson's blonde extensions when she went on-stage. All right, not Jessica's actual personal extensions ripped from her own head, but her brand of extensions - Hair-u-Wear (as opposed to Hair-u-Eat, which is what Jessica wanted to call them until someone explained to her that they weren't spaghetti). Britney, apparently, wanted to go with brown locks for her big comeback show, but was overruled by her management team.
Hold on a sec - Britney has a management team? Since when? And when did bitch start listening to them? And why, when it was obvious that Britney was in no condition to perform, did they allow her to go on-stage? Is this management team actually a bunch of shady people hired by Kevin Federline to completely destroy Britney? No, of course not - Federline's the last person who would want to destroy Britney. Cause if Britney stops earning then Federline stops getting checks. Who the hell could want to bring Britney down so badly that they would set her up with a fake team that's actively sabotaging her career? It couldn't be that cabal of Alli Sims, Shannon Funk and that dancer Britney was splashing around in the hot-tub with? Oh my God - those people are so evil. Someone has to stop them.
Underdog? Where are you?