The FBI and LAPD are currently investigating a possible threat against Kevin Federline's life. "Reliable sources" tell Entertainment Tonight that, for the past two months, law enforcement has been following leads in the case, which involves a contract hit. The FBI has also reportedly attempted to contact Federline and warn him of the danger, but there's no word yet on whether those attempts were successful.
I don't know who out there would want to kill Federline - one of the five people who bought his album maybe? Oh, that's right - those five people are all members of Federline's family. Why would one of Federline's relatives want to kill him? Everyone loves Kevin. He's such a great dad and stuff. Seems silly that anyone would want this guy dead.
(Mexico's not far Britney - you can still make it.)
Update: The FBI says they never had anything to do with any investigation into whether someone took out a hit on Kevin Federline. The LAPD say they investigated a threat a couple months ago but have since closed the case. Kevin Federline, as far as I know, is still alive and lame.