It finally happened - Britney Spears has had her kids taken away. The order, issued today by L.A. County Superior Court judge Scott Gordon, says the kids' father Kevin Federline "is to retain physical custody of the minor children on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 12:00 PM until further order of the court."
How will Britney react to this devastating news? Will she:
A. Shave her head
B. Declare herself the Antichrist
C. Marry Michael Jackson
D. Shoot Federline, grab the kids and run for Mexico
E. Shrug her shoulders and say, "I never wanted the little fuckers anyway."
Update: Chris Crocker is reportedly on suicide watch. Naw, I made that up - I think.
Update: TMZ quotes a "source connected to the case" as saying that Britney never bothered with the parenting classes she was ordered to take, and never did get drug tested per the judge's instructions. In other words, Britney never gave a damn whether they took the kids. In fact, she's probably relieved now.
Also, according to X17, Britney has already given the kids to Federline - even though she had until Wednesday to comply with the court order. She will be out partying tonight, no doubt.