Orlando Bloom was involved in a car wreck early Friday morning in Los Angeles. The police say another vehicle cut Bloom off and caused him to crash his car, a black Toyota Matrix belonging to Pirates of the Caribbean DP Dariusz Wolski, into a parked vehicle. Bloom was not hurt, but his passenger, noted stylist Cher Coulter, did suffer a fractured neck. There were initial indications that Bloom might have been intoxicated, but the police have since said no alcohol or drugs were involved, and also indicated that speed was not a factor in the crash.
So Orlando was not drunk nor was he speeding. However, things are not all rosy for the actor, at least on the personal reputation front. Apparently, Bloom's unfortunate first instinct after the crash was to walk away from the scene, leaving Ms. Coulter and a second female passenger in the wrecked car bleeding and hurt. It was only after some paparazzi implored Orlando to return to the scene that the actor did the right thing and dealt with the situation. TMZ has promised there will be video of Orlando trying to scummily tip-toe away from the wreck - the Crabster will try to borrow that as soon as it becomes available (assuming TMZ offers the embed code).
Update: X17 has video of Orlando strolling away from the scene. He finally decides to go back when one of the paps tells him it's a hit-and-run if he flees. Wow - Orlando Bloom is a tremendous, tremendous shithead. But his idiot fans will still love him anyway I guess.
Update 2: Orlando Bloom has released a statement - a hilarious bullshitty statement, in light of the circumstances of the crash as we understand them. Here's Bloom's publicist-written load of crap:
Orlando Bloom, who was in a minor car collision late last night, is grateful that no one was seriously injured. Bloom called for help immediately following the incident. He spent last night at the hospital to be with his childhood friend who sustained a minor neck injury. He is thankful that emergency services arrived so quickly and that the ER staff at Cedars Sinai took such good care of his friend.
Orlando honey - you walked away from it. Your "childhood friend" who you care about so much was in the car bleeding - and for all you knew, dying - and you put up your hood and tried to stroll off...and would have, had the paps not clued you in to a little concept called "hit-and-run." Face it Bloom, you are sunk in the eyes of any reasonable person who has a sense of common decency. We've seen you attempting to slink away from an accident you caused that involved injured, bleeding women. No amount of explaining or excuse-making or any other weaselly shit will change what we saw with our own eyes. You are a rancid piece of shit Bloom - end of story.