Amy Winehouse has pulled herself together more or less and gone out on tour. Her first stop was in Berlin, where her performance was said to be less than spectacular. Reportedly, Amy forgot most of the words to her first couple of songs, but did manage to recover after that and deliver passable renditions of some of her other hits. After the show, Amy dealt with her frustration by scarfing loads of junk food - which I'm certain she promptly vomited up, along with blood, bile and other unidentifiable bodily or perhaps non-bodily fluids.
Amy's husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, is causing a lot of anxiety for people around Amy as well. They had hoped Blake, who's facing some legal troubles in Britain, would just stay home - but no, old Blake flew into Berlin to continue his campaign of bringing Amy's career and life crashing down around her. Said one member of Winehouse's tour team:
We had hoped Blake wouldn't come but he has. It is Amy's decision to have him with her, I guess for now we just have to deal with it.
Yes, deal with it. By hiring someone to push the bastard off a cliff or spike his Froot Loops with arsenic. Seriously, I think that's about the only solution now. Amy's clearly entranced by this idiot, for whatever reason, but all this bastard seems to care about is creating more chaos. The only way Amy will ever get her life turned around is if this creep is gotten out of the picture. By any means necessary.