The Vanessa Hudgens nude photos currently making the rounds of the internet are not the first the actress has taken and passed around, a source has told People magazine. According to the anonymous tipster, Vanessa once took naked snaps of herself and emailed them to Drake Bell, star of the Nickelodeon show Drake and Josh. A rep for Bell said of the now-infamous Hudgens internet nudie pics:
Drake says he never received those photos.
So what does that mean? Vanessa sent Drake photos but he never got them, or the ones he got were different from the ones that are all over the net? And what of the fact that, reportedly, the now 18-year-old Vanessa sent the nude pictures to Drake "a couple of years ago?" What does a couple of years ago mean? Was this bitch taking nudie pics at 15 and emailing them around to Nickelodeon stars? Also, what does this new information make us think of Vanessa's apology, and Disney's statement that she committed a mere "lapse of judgment?" If someone does the same thing over and over that they're not supposed to be doing, that indicates more than a tendency toward bad judgment - it indicates a total lack of judgment.
Vanessa has not, contrary to some reports, been booted from High School Musical 3. But if nudie pics of this girl keep popping up the way they have been, Disney's not going to have much choice but to kick her to the curb. Which would be great for her, since she's already pretty much decided to go the shameless skank route.