Brad Pitt doesn't like people suggesting he only takes on charity work to satisfy the wishes of his girlfriend Angelina Jolie. Said Pitt to Parade:
That's idiotic. I do it because I'm a member of the human race. We're all cells of one body. Let's focus on that.
Wow - that's deep Brad. Seriously - you should be a philosopher. I bet they'd give you your own infomerical and run it at like three in the morning on Oxygen or TLC or one of those other channels no one watches.
Seriously though...I think Brad had good reason to be upset here. Obviously, he does not only do charity work because Angelina orders him to. Even if he weren't fucking Angelina, he would still be out there fighting the good fight on behalf of the downtrodden. Of course, if not for Angelina, he would also have a lot more time to pursue other interests like Thai hookers - but everyone has to sacrifice for love.