Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Britney Spears Hates Chris Crocker

Chris Crocker obviously adores Britney Spears. Unfortunately for the self-styled defender of Britney's honor and newly-minted internet sensation, the feeling is not mutual.

No, Britney does not care for Chris Crocker. In fact, she thinks there's something wrong with him. Said one of Britney's friends to US:

Britney does not think Chris Crocker is funny. She thinks he's creepy and that all his videos are an obvious attempt at fame. She finds it insulting and difficult to watch.

Britney doesn't think Crocker's funny? Well shit, that's about the best endorsement the guy could've gotten. I mean, what's Britney's idea of funny anyway - a continuous video-loop of Kevin Federline getting kicking in the balls? One of her kids falling into the pool and flailing around while screaming for help? "Just keep kicking hon. Oh man, I gotta get the camera. This is priceless."

Creepy Crocker is sticking up for himself in the face of Britney's disdain. Said the waste of space:

It was to give Britney fans a voice. There is nothing insulting there. It was for her fans to show our support.

Right Chris - cause without you, Britney's fans would've never figured out how to voice their support. It's not like there's an internet full of forums, chat-rooms and blogs where people can leave comments or anything. Nope - if not for you, the idiot pied-piper, all the little Britney fans would've been totally lost.
