Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Anna Nicole As We Remember Her Best - Naked And Covered In Vomit

Someone claiming to have known Anna Nicole Smith sent the above photo to the website IDon'tLikeYouInThatWay. It purports to show an obviously ill and inebriated Anna Nicole a month before her highly-publicized and deeply suspicious death in a Florida hotel. The picture's source says it was taken by Howard K. Stern with Anna Nicole's own camera. They say Anna Nicole herself saw the picture and others later and for some reason gave them to her bodyguard Big Moe for safekeeping. Supposedly, Big Moe has had these pictures leaked out to the blogs because he thinks they will help show how Anna Nicole was exploited before her death. I don't know about that - but I do know that they're helping assholes like me exploit her after her death.
