Johnny Depp has joined the ranks of celebrities who hate and despise America. So deep is Johnny's disdain for the nation of his birth that he's declared he would never under any circumstances raise one of his children within its borders, for fear that they would come to behave like vile and ignorant beasts as well. As Johnny told the New York Post:
I'm not particularly optimistic about society. We're in an age where everything has gone too far. It's an ugly world. ... I'm truly frightened of America in terms of raising my daughter here. I don't believe that is an option at all.
Really Johnny. That's interesting. Because you seem to have no problem making money off all the disgusting Americans who are so ruining society. You know, all the mindless idiots who flocked to your Pirates of the Caribbean movies? Seems to me, Johnny, that if America became the bastion of intellectual and spiritual sophistication you imply you would like it to be, the first thing people would stop doing is seeing movies like yours, hence putting a crimp in your jet-setting, do-as-you-please lifestyle. So, pardon me if I accuse you of being full of shit. And need I point out that France, your adopted country, is not exactly the most peaceful place in the world? I do seem to remember some pretty big riots there not long ago - hooligans running around setting cars on fire and such. And there's no reason for me to bring up the huge immigration problem in Europe - the way the whole place is being overrun with Muslims who don't give a damn about peacefully assimilating. I wonder, John, where you'll run when the shit starts hitting the fan over there. Canada I suppose. Unless you can't stand the climate. Then I guess you'll just flee to that island of yours, and hire some guys with gunboats to chug around the place, shooting at anyone who gets too close. That'll be so much better than winding up in evil, ignorant, vile, hateful America (I'm sure Gwyneth Paltrow will be happy to move to the island with you, and Madonna and Rosie and Charlize and Maggie Gyllenhaal and Angelina and the rest of your pro-Bin Laden buddies).