Monday, October 8, 2007

Pete Doherty Tried To Kill Himself In Rehab

News of the World claims that noted drug-crazed hooligan Pete Doherty attempted to kill himself while in rehab. The tab says Doherty, overcome with pain over the loss of girlfriend Kate Moss, downed an entire bottle of pills, but was foiled in his bid to end his life when he puked the whole mess up. A source tells NOTW:

He saw an opportunity to take an overdose and took it. He told me he didn't know what the pills were but thought "fuck it" and took them all. ... He doesn't care what drugs do to him—in fact, he likes finding out.

Well, he found out that these made him puke. And didn't kill him. Might I suggest throwing himself off a high building next time? Or lying down under a train? These are all better methods than trying to do yourself in with pills.

By the way, I don't buy for a second that Pete tried the overdose because he was upset over Kate Moss. He wasn't even thinking about Moss at that point. No, he was thinking about his one true actual love - drugs. As in, all the fun ones you don't get to take when you're in rehab. Like crack. If Pete was missing anything, it was his faithful crackpipe. So, in his despair, he tried to do himself in - with more drugs. Makes perfect sense.
