Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sutherland Gets 48 Days In The Slammer

Kiefer Sutherland has agreed to spend 48 days in jail after pleading guilty to DUI. The 24 star will be officially sentenced on December 21, after which he will serve 18 days for violating his probation. He will then have until July 1 of next year to serve the remaining 30 days. Said Sutherland in a statement:

I'm very disappointed in myself for the poor judgment I exhibited recently, and I'm deeply sorry for the disappointment and distress this has caused my family, friends and co-workers on 24 and at 20th Century Fox.

Sure Kiefer - and I bet you'll never do it again either, right? You'll never fill your gut with hooch until you can't walk straight then decide to hop in a car and go for a spin. Those days are behind you - you're all about safety now. I bet you'll even start doing PSAs warning people about the dangers of driving while intoxicated:

"Hey kids, this is Kiefer Sutherland. If you're like me, then you enjoy a good swig of rot-gut now and then. That's just good clean American fun like our pappies and grandpappies have been enjoying since the days when they had their own stills out in the woods and used to run whiskey in the trunks of their jalopies with Smokey on their tail. However, we always have to remember to be responsible when we enjoy a snort of the fire-water. And that means no drinking and driving. Cause bad things happen when people drink and drive kids. Just ask Lindsay Lohan. Look at how miserable her life has become. She had to go to rehab, and then her father showed up and now she'll never get rid of his ass again. So kids, remember - don't drink and drive. Cause if you do, you'll have some crazy-ass bible-thumping grifter hanging off you for the rest of your life. Plus you'll have to star in a weak-ass PSA. And Perez Hilton will never stop writing the word "Alky" on your picture, no matter how many times you threaten to cut his pecker off with a pair of lawn-shears."
