Owen Wilson is back home after trying to off himself with a combination of pills and wrist-slashing. A source said of Owen's state:
Owen is in bad mental shape but he has said he is thankful to be alive. He knows he came close to ending his own life, and he is happy that he was saved from himself.
Wilson is under 24-hour suicide watch right now. How'd you like to score that gig, huh? Watching Owen Wilson to make sure he doesn't get his hands on anymore sharp objects. Would kind of suck if you nodded off and...well, why go there? This is no time for morbid jokes - we should all be happy that Owen's still alive and back home with his loving family. And that Courtney Love has alerted everyone to the dangers of Steve Coogan. Seems like all they have to do is keep that Coogan character away and everything will be fine. Oh, and make sure Owen doesn't get his hands on anymore tabloids featuring pics of Kate Hudson making out with Dax Shepard. That would send him into a relapse for sure.