Friday, September 7, 2007

Pete Doherty's Crack Cat

Pete Doherty gives crack to his cat - I don't know why, but he does. Crazy fucker has even gone so far as to make the kitty its own little crackpipe. The above picture, originally published by The Sun, purports to show Pete in the act of giving kitty a hit. Here's what one of Pete's friends allegedly said about the crackhead feline:

Pete thinks it’s hilarious to get [the cat] wasted. ... But the kitten is starting to get really bad withdrawal symptoms. It has lost some of its balance and takes huge risks jumping over things that are too high. It thinks it can fly. It’s really distressing to see.

Some have rushed to Pete's defense, claiming the dude in the picture isn't him. But come on - does anyone doubt that Pete would do this? He already gave pot to a penguin in front of witnesses, and had a cat that needed medical attention because it ingested cocaine. Fucker obviously thinks giving drugs to animals and watching them stagger around is funny. There's your sensitive, misunderstood artist for you.
